Deneyap Kart
Ülkemizin mühendislik kaynakları kullanılarak geliştirilen Deneyap Kart; güçlü işlemcisi, dayanıklı tasarımı ve çok yönlü giriş/çıkış pinleri ile Elektronik Programlama, Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), Yapay Zeka alanlarında ve daha bir çok alanda yapılacak projelerde kullanılabilir. Bunun yanında robotik kodlama eğitimlerinde de basit arayüz sunan blok kodlama ve metinsel kodlama imkanı sunmaktadır.
The versatile and powerful electronic development card of the Deneyap family has been developed using the original ESP32-WROVER-E module.
The card has powerful dual core Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor. You can start machine learning and AI-based projects with Tensorflow Lite.
You can launch Internet of Things and cloud-based projects thanks to its built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communication features.
You can exchange data between your system and your cloud-based application utilizing the Wi-Fi communication feature. You can set up a closed loop wireless communication network by using the Deneyap Card as a server.
You can exchange data with devices that have BLE and Bluetooth EDR infrastructure thanks to the dual mode Bluetooth feature. The Deneyap Card makes it convenient for you to carry out Internet of Things projects. Thus, you can build applications in the areas smart home, smart farming, smart vehicles, mobile health, etc.
There is an integral high precision LSM6DSM sensor in the Deneyap Card. You can measure 3-axis acceleration and 3-axis rotation and monitor the temperature of your system with the sensor.
Not only does the Deneyap Card let you detect the intensity of the surrounding sounds, but it also allows you to develop speech and voice recognition applications thanks to its built-in MP34DT05 microphone with MEMS technology.
It has a rich connection interface such as UART, I2C, SPI, I2S, Ethernet, SDIO, Capacitive Sensor. In addition, to provide flexibility, some of these connection interfaces can be used from any pin based on the requirement.
It has 24 pins which can be used for general purposes. Among these pins, those used as digital input / output are protected with PTC fuse against over current.
A special Li-Po connector is available to help you power your system securely. Moreover, you can charge your Li-Po battery using the connector.
You can connect the Deneyap Camera directly to the (FPC) connector on the Deneyap Card.
In addition, there are 2 buttons and 1 RGB LED internally.
You can quickly realize your system consisting of sensor and actuator units using the I2C communication connector. There will be no need for cable connection and soldering.
You can get 3.3V and 5V voltage outputs from the Deneyap Card to use in peripherals that you will provide uninterrupted external connection. There will always be 5V voltage power output ready even when you feed your system with the Li-Po battery.
The Deneyap Card has a design compatible with the breadboard. Its pins have already been soldered for you so you can start developing instantly.
The Deneyap Card is compatible with Arduino IDE. You can start coding using the instructions.
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